At Sports and Spine Rehabilitation center. we realize that the body is a task driven machine that is composed of several moving parts and systems. We understand that when one part of this system is dysfunctional, other areas compensate to get the job done, often resulting in pain and injury over time. This is why we take a global approach to health care. Traditional rehabilitation focuses on movement within a single plane of motion and often only addresses the symptomatic area. While providing temporary relief, this approach rarely offers long lasting outcomes and results in multiple office visits, increased costs, and avoidance of movement in fear of re-exacerbation. Our rehabilitation techniques, in contrast, offer an effective method of restructuring and rebalancing the body through multi-dimensional analysis of biomechanics and movement. By identifying the areas of instability and dysfunction in the body we are able to not only treat the symptoms, but restore the body back to its optimal functioning state. Utilizing a vast array of specialized techniques and philosophies, we are able to produce fast and long-lasting results that empower our patients to uncover their ultimate movement potential.